Tom J. Mariani - ***An Idiom I Would Not Have Predicted [revised 04-23-08]

2014-06-14 8

Sitting at the coffee shop
Early the other morning
Getting started for the day
I almost dropped my cup

I was reading the paper
About health insurance costs
Stock market dives
And sub-prime credit woes

When one of the guys
In the booth behind me
Leaned over to his friend
I guess not expecting me to hear

I swear to God
His exact words
And I quote,
'My dick's fallen off.'

I hadn't been
Paying any attention
To their conversation
Up until then

With my hot coffe
Almost jumping into my lap
My ears perked up
For the rest of this tragedy

Obviously his friend
Was not as shocked
As I was
At this news flash

His calm reply was,
'Mine too.
It's not that uncommon
After all at our age.'

They were both taking it
Far better ttan I would
If it had happened
To me for God's sake

His friend continued,
'My docter tells me
There are several things
That can be done

For best results
He wants to
Run some tests to see
What may have triggered it.'

I wanted to know too
So I could aviod doing
Whatever these guys did
To lose trigger and all

He went on, 'They don't just
Throw Viagra at you
They way they used to.
Could be nerve damage,

Or something else. '
- - -Something else- - - - -
Now the lights
Were finally coming on

Come to think of it
I knew lots of things that
Had fallen off lately
Attendance in schools - - - voter turnout

Nothing had acutally
Dropped off entirely
It was only
A performance issue

Their use of an idiom
Made me feel like a blockhead
I was relieved to learn their doctors
Still had something left to work with

Tom J. Mariani

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